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Henry Blofeld on Radio 4 "In Touch"

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Henry Blofeld on Radio 4 "In Touch" Empty Henry Blofeld on Radio 4 "In Touch"

Post by beamer Thu 03 Jan 2013, 21:03


Not a CMJ tribute (they weren't close seemingly, but this was obviously recorded before that news broke) but an interesting interview where he talks about his sight problems and upcoming double cataract surgery. Clearly keen to go on in the commentary box but doesn't want to be a liability if this doesn't improve matters.

Love him or hate him (and he's certainly a "Marmite" character) he has a really positive outlook on things at this stage in his life and career. Finishes off with a few thoughts on this summer's Ashes series, which hopefully he will play a part in behind the microphone with newly restored vision, TMS needs the last of the old guard for a bit longer!


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