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Better call Saul

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Better call Saul Empty Better call Saul

Post by Henry Tue 10 Feb 2015, 09:07

Premiered yesterday. I thought it was pretty good, but unlikely to touch Breaking Bad for quality TV drama. Anyone else see it?

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by skully Tue 10 Feb 2015, 18:33

Was gonna give it a watch but flat out trying to keep up with my current Bob* supply. Might get the Season at the end.

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by Big Dog Wed 11 Feb 2015, 07:33

Which channel is showing it?
Big Dog
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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by skully Wed 11 Feb 2015, 08:22

Big Dog wrote:Which channel is showing it?

AMC (aka The Walking Dead channel). Cool

Not sure if it's been carried by any Aus channels just yet. They tend to wait to see how new shows rate before buying into them.

But Bob* can help you out.

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by LeFromage Wed 11 Feb 2015, 19:35

Henry wrote:Premiered yesterday. I thought it was pretty good, but unlikely to touch Breaking Bad for quality TV drama. Anyone else see it?

Really enjoyed it. Once you get past the whole "this isn't Breaking Bad" thing, it's a promising-looking caper.

My only real concern is there's no dramatic tension in any situation that appears to threaten Saul's life, as we know full well that he lives right through to the end of BB. Which made half of episode two a waste of time.

But the whole show has the feel of quality, and the same BB production tricks: long takes, sweeping landscapes, an obsession with slow-walking every detail (why simply cut to videotape evidence of a couple of youths f*cking a cadaver's head when you can stretch out the scene by having the prosecutor labouring to drag the TV across the courthouse, shifting it methodically into position, and then fumbling around a bit trying to get the tape into the machine?)

I'm on board.

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by spangler Wed 11 Feb 2015, 20:28

I liked the first 2 episodes.

Bob Odenkirk isn't a very good actor.


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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by Brass Monkey Wed 11 Feb 2015, 21:32

Dello wrote:
Henry wrote:Premiered yesterday. I thought it was pretty good, but unlikely to touch Breaking Bad for quality TV drama. Anyone else see it?

Really enjoyed it. Once you get past the whole "this isn't Breaking Bad" thing, it's a promising-looking caper.

My only real concern is there's no dramatic tension in any situation that appears to threaten Saul's life, as we know full well that he lives right through to the end of BB. Which made half of episode two a waste of time.

But the whole show has the feel of quality, and the same BB production tricks: long takes, sweeping landscapes, an obsession with slow-walking every detail (why simply cut to videotape evidence of a couple of youths f*cking a cadaver's head when you can stretch out the scene by having the prosecutor labouring to drag the TV across the courthouse, shifting it methodically into position, and then fumbling around a bit trying to get the tape into the machine?)

I'm on board.

Better call Saul Observer-Food-Monthly-awa-003
Brass Monkey
Brass Monkey

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by LeFromage Wed 11 Feb 2015, 22:22

spangler wrote:I liked the first 2 episodes.

Bob Odenkirk isn't a very good actor.

I remember reading an interview with him where he couldn't understand why he was cast as Saul in the first place, as he'd never played a dramatic role in his life.

Then again, Bryan Cranston was only known for comedic roles when he got the Walter White gig.

I think Bob'll do all right. His performance was a bit odd, a bit off, but I kind of liked that - Saul, as a person, seems as though he'd be a bit off.

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by tricycle Thu 12 Feb 2015, 03:43

"Bryan Cranston was only known for comedic roles"

Or whatever it was that resembled comedy.


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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by skully Thu 12 Feb 2015, 04:23

Aye, t. I was never a fan of MitM.

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by LeFromage Wed 18 Feb 2015, 19:15

Third episode: very nice.

Shaping up well, I think.

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by Guest Wed 18 Feb 2015, 21:11

Yeah loving it. I'm glad they didn't shoehorn in any BB references in this episode, obviously Mike was going to be in it and that's fine and Tuco is okay, but if it was an old BB character every week showing up it would soon get tiresome.

It looks like it's going to get the chance to become it's own thing, whilst retaining the same feel as BB.

Loving it.


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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by Henry Tue 10 Mar 2015, 20:55

The latest episode is outstanding. The best episode so far, because it focuses almost entirely on the endlessly compelling Mike. Gives you a big piece of Mike's backstory before Breaking Bad.

Jonathan Banks is an outstanding actor. Much underrated. His performance in this episode is worth an Emmy on its own.

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by LeFromage Wed 11 Mar 2015, 02:48

Yes, Banks was amazing in that episode.

Mike was always badass in BB, without having to say or do much - a look here, a raised eyebrow, a sigh, was all he needed.

But given space to breathe in Better... he showed that there's so much more to him that lays under the surface. Unfortunately, he's more interesting than the title character as things stand. The same can be said for Jimmy's electrophobic elder brother.

Still, the show's bubbling along nicely.

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by Guest Sat 28 Mar 2015, 10:51

Still watching? I think that this first season is better than the first season of Breaking Bad. Gutted there are only two episodes left, I got in to Breaking Bad in the 3rd series so I could have binge sessions, hating being drip fed like this.


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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by Guest Sat 28 Mar 2015, 10:53

Although I have to say I was a bit disappointed in the last episode, there was a moment where I couldn't hear a word of what Howard was saying to Jimmy in the mail room. You would have thought someone would have noticed that they had forgotten to put a mic in there.


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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by LeFromage Sat 28 Mar 2015, 16:48

vilkrang wrote:Still watching? I think that this first season is better than the first season of Breaking Bad. Gutted there are only two episodes left, I got in to Breaking Bad in the 3rd series so I could have binge sessions, hating being drip fed like this.

Very much so. It's found it's stride and own voice now and is better for it.

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by Guest Tue 31 Mar 2015, 17:41

That last episode was f*cking spectacular. You would never believe after his first few appearances in Breaking Bad that Saul would become a character with more pathos than any of Breaking Bad's main characters.

Blown away by that.

F*cking spectacular.


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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by LeFromage Wed 01 Apr 2015, 18:13


I've heard a few complaints about the pace of the show, but I'm not on board with that. I enjoy just spending a bit of time in the company of these characters even if, on the face of it, not a lot seems to be happening.

And, of course, it's worth the investment for the pay off. All that hard work we've seen Jimmy put in - over years and years - to earn Chuck's respect, even single-handedly keeping him alive as his personal carer/nurse/psychologist, was all for nothing. He still thinks he's a worthless piece of crap. Ye-ouch.

Also lovely to see Mike's cool, pragmatic approach to criminal enterprises get its first airing since BB.

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by LeFromage Tue 07 Apr 2015, 21:09

A little bit underwhelmed by the finale, but all in all an enjoyable first season.

That said, the "Chicago Sunroof" confession was a thing of beauty.

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by Henry Wed 08 Apr 2015, 05:34

Dello wrote:A little bit underwhelmed by the finale, but all in all an enjoyable first season.

That said, the "Chicago Sunroof" confession was a thing of beauty.

Longest monologue I can remember. Fantastic scene.

Yes it wasn't the epic finale that was hoped (and that will probably be the case whenever Mike doesn't heavily feature in an episode), but the show has got off to a great start.

Throughout the series I was waiting for the moment that Jimmy went from the sneaky but good-hearted budding lawyer trying to do good, to the colder-hearted and proudly corrupt Saul Goodman, and it was shown right at the end. To be honest I had initially expected it to be related to Chuck possibly dying tragically, and was a little surprised that it's the death of his old fat con artist mate back in Chicago that does it.

Interestingly, Vince Gilligan has said he hasn't ruled out crossing over to present day Saul (i.e. the one who is now managing a cinnabon in Omaha, post-Breaking Bad). That could be very interesting indeed. Although it would have to involve almost exclusively new characters (but I'd back them to be intriguing) You'd back Jesse to pop up again, though. And the guy from Jackie Brown who sells vacuum cleaners and in his spare time gives people new identities.

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by lardbucket Wed 08 Apr 2015, 07:49

I haven't watched any of these shows, but I have heard that Jesse from Breaking Bad appears in series 2 of this new show.


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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by Guest Wed 08 Apr 2015, 17:47

It's amazing how for the entire series we have been lead to believe that Howard is a massive twat, but he hadn't actually really done anything bad and when he says he will get Chuck's shopping done, I believe him because all of a sudden he actually seems like a decent bloke. Very clever writing.


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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by LeFromage Wed 08 Apr 2015, 18:55

Except for trademark Hamlindigo blue. That's massive twattery on a cosmic scale.

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

Post by Brass Monkey Thu 09 Apr 2015, 12:50

Am I the only one to have missed Saul Goodman's name tricky thingy ?
Brass Monkey
Brass Monkey

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Better call Saul Empty Re: Better call Saul

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