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Prior retires

Lindsay no.2
Chivalry Augustus
Brass Monkey
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Prior retires - Page 2 Empty Re: Prior retires

Post by PeterCS Sat 13 Jun 2015, 00:18

Wandering back from the brink of a way with - or without - words ....

For over three years - early 2009 to late 2012, with some defiant sparks returning in early 2013, that is, between the initial "Irongloves" and FB's "Matt Sussex" (on grounds he was an unmerited Moores pick - century on debut, though), and a rapid degeneration in his batting form, together with a highly publicised association with high performance vehicles rather than high performance cricket (and the baffling question whether he was in a clique with or a clique against Kev), Prior was often the most consistent, hard-working, high-achieving and selfless member of the England Test team. The high point of that spell was no doubt the rare Ashes win down under.

I think it's unfair to suggest (as someone did above) that he did well for a while in a winning team. On the contrary, I think he was largely instrumental in making it a winning team (the UAE in early 2012 was a horrible dip for most of them).

In retrospect, his star was on the wane by May 2013 - corresponding with the the trough England Test cricket was entering, despite a misleading 3-0 at home v Aus in late summer 2013. And that it has still to emerge from, despite the inconsistent phoenix flashes.

And for all the mouth, which again became more obvious in the later stages (isn't this usually the case with the dying of the light of a career?), he still strikes me as a basically modest, if not especially complicated soul.

As Daniel O'Brass said, he was an outstanding Test player for a while. I would probably change Monkey's "tragic" to "unfortunate, even wretched", but then concur with all the rest. Wot Dan sed.

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