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IAAF boots Russia out of Rio Olympics

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IAAF boots Russia out of Rio Olympics Empty IAAF boots Russia out of Rio Olympics

Post by skully Fri 17 Jun 2016, 23:05

Russia ousted for doping

"Russia’s track and field athletes will not be able to compete in the Rio Olympics, the International Association of Athletics Federations announced Friday, but individual athletes do have a way forward to compete as a neutral athlete.

In a historic decision, the IAAF voted unanimously to extend a ban of the All Russian Athletics Federation (RusAF) that has kept its athletes out of international competition since a World Anti-Doping Agency independent commission report released in November concluded Russia was running a state-sponsored doping program in athletics.

Noting significant progress toward satisfying verification criteria being monitored by an IAAF task force, Rune Andersen, chair of that group, said several other criteria have not been satisfied."


Will Putin declare war??

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IAAF boots Russia out of Rio Olympics Empty Re: IAAF boots Russia out of Rio Olympics

Post by skully Fri 17 Jun 2016, 23:41

Vlad the Destroyer's response

"Even before the announcement that Russia’s track and field team would be barred from the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, President Vladimir V. Putin was incensed.

He said Friday that the allegations of doping against his country’s athletes were part of a politically motivated “anti-Russia policy” by the West.

The use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports is a global problem, he said at an economic forum in St. Petersburg, and Russia has been unfairly singled out.

“This cannot be a foundation for building anti-Russia policy,” Mr. Putin said.

The Olympics ban, announced after the Russian president’s speech at the annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on Friday, is the latest setback to his efforts to shed Russia’s pariah status and win allies among European politicians."


Hmmm. If you think the world is anti-Russia, don't be such a qunt. columbo

Number of posts : 106014
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Registration date : 2007-08-31
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