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Ottis Gibson named PCA Most Valuable Player

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Ottis Gibson named PCA Most Valuable Player Empty Ottis Gibson named PCA Most Valuable Player

Post by eowyn Tue 25 Sep 2007, 08:18

and Adil Rashid named Young player of the year.


Oh and apparently Yorkshie have won some fair play award voted for by umpires....(waits for the backlash)

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Ottis Gibson named PCA Most Valuable Player Empty Re: Ottis Gibson named PCA Most Valuable Player

Post by Brass Monkey Tue 25 Sep 2007, 09:00

Damn right he should've done. 80 wickets @ 20, incisive spells etc. useful batting...
Brass Monkey
Brass Monkey

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Ottis Gibson named PCA Most Valuable Player Empty Re: Ottis Gibson named PCA Most Valuable Player

Post by Henry Tue 25 Sep 2007, 09:05

Im actually surprised that the Windies didnt consider calling him up during the Test series this summer.

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Ottis Gibson named PCA Most Valuable Player Empty Re: Ottis Gibson named PCA Most Valuable Player

Post by embee Tue 25 Sep 2007, 09:13

Henry wrote:Im actually surprised that the Windies didnt consider calling Sobers up during the Test series this summer.

Equally true.

Number of posts : 26229
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Ottis Gibson named PCA Most Valuable Player Empty Re: Ottis Gibson named PCA Most Valuable Player

Post by Merlin Tue 25 Sep 2007, 10:43

embee wrote:
Henry wrote:Im actually surprised that the Windies didnt consider calling Sobers up during the Test series this summer.

Equally true.

Not sure I'd agree there.
He was welded to the blackjack table at the Ritz for most part of the night, before adjourning to the Gaslight in Mayfair for some "light" entertainment. Energy permitting, he then allegedly took in Ascot's afternoon meeting followed by a quick 18 holes at Sunningdale before resuming at the Ritz.

Ascot was the only variable in the cycle!

Cricket, you said?


Number of posts : 14718
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Registration date : 2007-09-05
Flag/Background : afg

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