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Shoaib Akhtar- The most sexually unsafe cricketer

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Shoaib Akhtar- The most sexually unsafe cricketer Empty Shoaib Akhtar- The most sexually unsafe cricketer

Post by Henry Mon 15 Jun 2009, 03:36


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Registration date : 2007-08-31
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Shoaib Akhtar- The most sexually unsafe cricketer Empty Re: Shoaib Akhtar- The most sexually unsafe cricketer

Post by DJ_Smerk Mon 15 Jun 2009, 11:45

Please Trev, I've just had breakfast.

Put this in the French prune thread so atleast we can prepare ourselves for further shock and disgust.

Number of posts : 15938
Age : 36
Reputation : 26
Registration date : 2007-09-08
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