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Capello it is then.

Eric Air Emu
leg glancer
Brass Monkey
Henry Nolonga
Lara Lara Laughs
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Capello it is then. Empty Capello it is then.

Post by Lara Lara Laughs Thu 13 Dec 2007, 09:32

Lara Lara Laughs
Lara Lara Laughs

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by Lara Lara Laughs Thu 13 Dec 2007, 09:44

FFS. 6 million a year. That's an obscene amount of money. I'd be embarrassed to take it.

There's people starving all over the world and the FA are paying someone 6 million a year to tell a bunch of footballers what to do 4 or 5 times a year.

F*cking ridiculous.
Lara Lara Laughs
Lara Lara Laughs

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by doremi Thu 13 Dec 2007, 09:49

Well. if you English weren't this crazy, FA wouldn't have to pay so much, would they?

It's a good choice. Probably means Beckham wouldn't play much more though.

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by Henry Nolonga Thu 13 Dec 2007, 10:39

Lara Lara Laughs wrote:FFS. 6 million a year. That's an obscene amount of money. I'd be embarrassed to take it.

There's people starving all over the world and the FA are paying someone 6 million a year to tell a bunch of footballers what to do 4 or 5 times a year.

F*cking ridiculous.

There's too much money in football in general. There should be a limit on how much players can earn. I say a maximum of 50k a year. They get a lot of money for sponsorships anyway and after all, all they're doing is having a kick about. It's not even a real job.

Clubs could easily spend the rest of the money on developing the sport at grassroot level.

Henry Nolonga
Henry Nolonga

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by Makaveli Thu 13 Dec 2007, 11:22

I agree for a manager it is a stupid amount of money, but that's the proffession they are in if i was a PL player i would not say no to that sort of money and i doubt anybody else would say no too, btw it's not easy to be in the very top level you have to be very good, how many Ronaldinho's, Messi's, C. Ronaldo's do you know?

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by JKLever Thu 13 Dec 2007, 11:26

Interesting choice because his English isn't very good.

Just hope he gets the team playing a better more cohesive game, within the confines of the limited talent we have technically.

That'll be fun to see, his first morning in training with players who cant pass the ball out from the back!

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by JKLever Thu 13 Dec 2007, 14:16

Capello's first day of training - he might have trouble with this lot...


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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by Lara Lara Laughs Thu 13 Dec 2007, 15:44

I wonder what he'll do with Beckham. He fell out with him at Madrid but then brought him back into the team when he realised just how good he was and then won the title.
Lara Lara Laughs
Lara Lara Laughs

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by Basil Thu 13 Dec 2007, 17:35

JKLever wrote:Interesting choice because his English isn't very good.

He needs a right hand man, with a supreme command of the English language - Peter Beardsley anyone?

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by Brass Monkey Thu 13 Dec 2007, 18:07

I reckon get Shearer in to punch them all sometimes and glare at them with his pig-eyes. Then bring in Hoddle and Waddle to sing Diamond Lights on command. Make them grow those mullets back.
Brass Monkey
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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by leg glancer Thu 13 Dec 2007, 18:20

Capello was a hard-task master even for AC Milan and Juventus. and they had very hard working and disciplined players. If they found Capello over-working just think of what the England team will make of it.

This move will either fall apart instantly, or come off extremely if he is given time. I hope Capello ignores the press. Thankless task really though.
leg glancer
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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by JKLever Thu 13 Dec 2007, 18:46

leg glancer wrote: If they found Capello over-working just think of what the England team will make of it.

And another thing, England fans can forget flowing football - Capello is very much in the results based business.

Expect us to play like Mourinho under Chelsea. Resilient but dull.

Sven mark II if you like Wink

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by Eric Air Emu Thu 13 Dec 2007, 19:02

Well at least he's not an out and out lightweight like Macca and he's sure to fall out with some players which'll be a lot of fun. Might even pick Robert Green...
Eric Air Emu
Eric Air Emu

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by beamer Thu 13 Dec 2007, 20:16

Will be interesting to see how it works out, it looks like he is someone who certainly won't take any crap from the England players. I think it's what we need, someone who will take more of a hard line and prove which players really want to play for England, those who are not 100% committed will be on the way out very quickly.


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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by Chivalry Augustus Thu 13 Dec 2007, 21:20

Catanachio time.
Chivalry Augustus
Chivalry Augustus

Capello it is then. Svlx7uN

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by leg glancer Fri 14 Dec 2007, 10:48

Worth a read :


Players who have played under him talk about his coaching style. Also mentions formations Capello has used with teams he has managed.
leg glancer
leg glancer

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by JKLever Fri 14 Dec 2007, 12:35

Interesting quote from Papin
'If Capello's system looks boring from the stands, it's even worse to play in'

Interesting on who he'll keep and who he'll get rid of

Who he'll rate ... or hate


Jamie Carragher

Sick of being overlooked by Steve McClaren but Capello likes tactically aware, no-nonsense defenders.

Micah Richards

May find his attacking urges curbed but Capello likes power and pace.

Frank Lampard and Steven Gerrard

Capello's formations change with players at his disposal. He will find a solution to playing these two. Don't be surprised if one is left out first, or Gerrard moves to the right.

Owen Hargreaves

Capello almost always employs a defensive midfielder. Possible "double pivot" with Gareth Barry.

Wayne Rooney

England's one great talent, and Capello knows it. Has the battling qualities and desire the Italian loves.


Michael Owen

Capello is not patient - any more injuries coinciding with England playing well and that could be it.

David Beckham

Will get a chance for his precision and professionalism but the Italian's opinion of US football is not high.

Paul Robinson

Capello likes tall, commanding keepers who make defences feel secure. Sound like Robinson?

Rio Ferdinand

Capello sees absent-mindedness as unforgivable and demands focus.

Shaun Wright-Phillips

Capello demands physical presence and effectiveness. Not promising run and rubbish crosses.

I actually agree with the Journo here!

The more I think about it, the lack of his english could be a benefit with the media. He'll just stick to the basics and talk football rather than all the other crap that comes with the job.

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by doremi Fri 14 Dec 2007, 13:18

He'd be on the right track if he doesn't pick Robinson too many times. Distinctly average. But Rio's good, be a mistake to leave him out.

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by LeFromage Fri 14 Dec 2007, 19:43

JKLever wrote:

Interesting on who he'll keep and who he'll get rid of

Who he'll rate ... or hate


Jamie Carragher

Sick of being overlooked by Steve McClaren but Capello likes tactically aware, no-nonsense defenders.

One problem though - Carragher's shite. Clumsy, slow, shite.

Can't see him pairing Carragher with the equally slow and only slightly less clumsy Terry in the middle of his defence.

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by JKLever Fri 14 Dec 2007, 19:54

You're a bit anti-Scouse though Dello - i've noticed this before Wink

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by Chivalry Augustus Fri 14 Dec 2007, 19:58

Jamie Carragher has an incredible ability to foul people in the box and get away with it. He's nowhere near as good as Terry or Ferdinand. I like Ledley King too, but he's always bloody injured.
Chivalry Augustus
Chivalry Augustus

Capello it is then. Svlx7uN

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by Makaveli Fri 14 Dec 2007, 20:17

Augustus wrote:Jamie Carragher has an incredible ability to foul people in the box and get away with it. He's nowhere near as good as Terry or Ferdinand. I like Ledley King too, but he's always bloody injured.

Aye Ledley is class but too injury prone, you'd be stupid to leave Ferdinand out.

Agree with Dello on Carragher, Terry is also not the player everyone makes out to be, his tackling is sh!te but he's good in the air, has good positional play and is great at hassling refs and shouting at oposition players.

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by doremi Fri 14 Dec 2007, 20:36

he gets a few goals as well.

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by filosofee Mon 17 Dec 2007, 14:21

In the news conference earlier, through translation, Fabio revealed he's always wanted the England position and not the Italian job. Fabio's promised he'll learn English in a month and the FA said his salary, reportedly between £4 - 6.5m (compared to France coach's £300,000 and Croatia's £75,000) is "small" when compared to the FA's expected income of £1billion next year.

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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

Post by Merlin Mon 17 Dec 2007, 21:09

Makaveli wrote:

Agree with Dello on Carragher, Terry is also not the player everyone makes out to be, his tackling is sh!te but he's good in the air, has good positional play and is great at hassling refs and shouting at oposition players.

Two things about Terry that have made me rethink his claim to "fair play Ref" occurred in yesterdays game against Arsenal.

1. His deliberate full blooded kick, driving the ball at point blank range into Fabregas' body as Fabregas lay prone on the deck ... and
2. His cringing whinge to the ref when Ebou trod on him - a dose of his own medicine - before realising he was in trouble with his ankle.

As the saying goes, what goes round comes round.
Cruel irony/Rough justice = Terry ends up crocked and missing Fabio's first England team sheet aganst Luxemburg.

And didn't Cashley throw his toys out of the pram ... absolute d!ck.

** Apologies - just read the EPL thread which covered the Cashley/Terry pram routines ...


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Capello it is then. Empty Re: Capello it is then.

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