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I bet Shah goes to the IPL now

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I bet Shah goes to the IPL now Empty I bet Shah goes to the IPL now

Post by Guest Fri 29 Feb 2008, 15:49

Let's face it, he won't play in the tests unless someone gets injured. He'll get sick of being the nearly man and go to make the big bucks in the IPL.

It'll be a loss because he can play spin and so few England players can any more.

But who can blame him if he decides to go?


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I bet Shah goes to the IPL now Empty Re: I bet Shah goes to the IPL now

Post by JKLever Fri 29 Feb 2008, 16:29

No one, but lets not wet our knickers just yet.
He may well have been rested from this game because he did his stuff in the previous game.

Whilst we're at it - Stewy has a little dig at Strauss

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I bet Shah goes to the IPL now Empty Re: I bet Shah goes to the IPL now

Post by LeFromage Fri 29 Feb 2008, 17:08

And Collingwood's got hamstring tear.

And England could rock up and get bowled out again for under 200 in the first Test which may be moment someone in the camp finally goes: "You know, that seems to happen to us a lot. Wonder if it's something to do with the batting line-up..."

Shah's in the mix. He's the only other batsman out there. I don't think his series is a write off yet.

Perhaps after next summer, if he's still not getting a go, he might reassess his options.

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I bet Shah goes to the IPL now Empty Re: I bet Shah goes to the IPL now

Post by Guest Fri 29 Feb 2008, 17:17

JKLever wrote:

Whilst we're at it - Stewy has a little dig at Strauss

Ironic given that after Stewie was dropped in 1995, he basically got the job back by accident.


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I bet Shah goes to the IPL now Empty Re: I bet Shah goes to the IPL now

Post by doremi Fri 29 Feb 2008, 20:51

Won't happen. Even if he gets an NOC from the ECB to ignore county duty and go play there, don't think he's box-office enough to get signed up now.

Number of posts : 9743
Age : 35
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Registration date : 2007-09-03
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