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Feltch gets it right for once

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Feltch gets it right for once Empty Feltch gets it right for once

Post by Henry Mon 06 Apr 2009, 08:01


Hard to argue with anything he says there, except of course that he thinks it would be ideal for England to beat the Windes 1-0 instead of 2-0.

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Feltch gets it right for once Empty Re: Feltch gets it right for once

Post by JKLever Mon 06 Apr 2009, 10:15

It was interesting to see Michael Vaughan scoring a hundred for
Yorkshire recently, and there's now pressure on him to perform this
week at Lord's, for MCC against Durham. If he starts the season well,
England must get him in the team.

[merlin] Cough,splutter,chortle[merlin]

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Feltch gets it right for once Empty Re: Feltch gets it right for once

Post by Merlin Mon 06 Apr 2009, 10:22

Very Happy
I get resigned to that eventuality as each day passes JK.

The sad facts are that Feltch still lives in the past; he owes Vorn a debt of gratitude (for his MBE) and the strong likliehood of Dusty, Piles and Co opting for new faces to replace the old is as remote as Fred returning to score more than 50 runs (in total) over the 5 Ashes tests (barring a high probability of injury of course).

Same old, same old ...


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