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Batting/bowling balance in tests

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Batting/bowling balance in tests Empty Batting/bowling balance in tests

Post by whitburn Mon 26 Nov 2018, 18:19

It doesn't seem that long since we were saying how much the bat over-dominates the ball in test cricket and how the bowlers really need a leg-up. Well for whatever reason i have noticed that scores are very much down this past 2 years and i've looked at 12 series all over the world.
Now what is the reason for that? I would suggest that we are now getting far more LBWs than we used to with DRS. Before, if you were 8 feet down the track it was not out regardless. Maybe it's the huge amount of 20/20 cricket getting into the players' DNA and they forget the match is over 5 days?
I like the new trends where we get more results. I for one was sick of seeing 5 day draws on roads i could probably get 30 on.


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Batting/bowling balance in tests Empty Re: Batting/bowling balance in tests

Post by Basil Mon 26 Nov 2018, 18:56

There's a lack of batsmen with either the  ability or patience to play a long grinding innings.

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Batting/bowling balance in tests Empty Re: Batting/bowling balance in tests

Post by beamer Mon 26 Nov 2018, 22:11

Yeah, I think the standards of top 3 batting in particular have declined a lot, almost to the extent that teams now expect to get more from the middle to lower order. Facing and seeing off a new red ball is a skill players no longer learn, so it’s all about the counter-attack against the old ball and tiring bowlers, where the runs flow but we still see plenty of wickets.

Add to that seemingly more result pitches being prepared, and while there may not be the parade of all-time great bowlers we had in the 80s and 90s, there are attacks with depth and variety.


Number of posts : 15399
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Registration date : 2007-09-03
Flag/Background : eng

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