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Jermaine Lawson joins Leicestershire on a kolpak contract

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Jermaine Lawson joins Leicestershire on a kolpak contract Empty Jermaine Lawson joins Leicestershire on a kolpak contract

Post by WIFAN Thu 28 Feb 2008, 23:45

At least he won't be pelting down anymore Windies domestic batsman. His action is terrible nowadays. He is quick but he is clearly over the ICC limit.

I feel sorry for county cricket followers who will have to put up with his blatant flinging this year.

Jermaine Lawson joins Leicestershire on a kolpak contract 7EoDRAk

Number of posts : 2857
Reputation : 8
Registration date : 2007-09-06
Flag/Background : wi

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Jermaine Lawson joins Leicestershire on a kolpak contract Empty Re: Jermaine Lawson joins Leicestershire on a kolpak contract

Post by JKLever Thu 28 Feb 2008, 23:49

'___________ joins ____________ on a kolpak contract'

How many more times are we going to hear that before the season starts Evil or Very Mad

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Jermaine Lawson joins Leicestershire on a kolpak contract Empty Re: Jermaine Lawson joins Leicestershire on a kolpak contract

Post by HH_pink Thu 28 Feb 2008, 23:53

42. The answer is pi/42.

Jermaine Lawson joins Leicestershire on a kolpak contract APSeEpm

Number of posts : 3353
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Registration date : 2007-09-03
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Jermaine Lawson joins Leicestershire on a kolpak contract Empty Re: Jermaine Lawson joins Leicestershire on a kolpak contract

Post by WIFAN Fri 29 Feb 2008, 00:04

West Indians in county cricket this year:

Shiv Chanderpaul - Overseas player (Durham)
Fidel Edwards - Overseas player (Worcestershire)
Omari Banks - British passport (Somerset)
Gareth Breese - British passport (Durham)
Pedro Collins - Kolpak (Surrey)
Wavell Hinds - Kolpak (Derbyshire)
Jermaine Lawson - Kolpak (Leicestershire)

Quite a list now. Unfortunately only Fidel and Omari are really going to benefit from the experience, the others are there just for the money, security of a long contract etc.

Jermaine Lawson joins Leicestershire on a kolpak contract 7EoDRAk

Number of posts : 2857
Reputation : 8
Registration date : 2007-09-06
Flag/Background : wi

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Jermaine Lawson joins Leicestershire on a kolpak contract Empty Re: Jermaine Lawson joins Leicestershire on a kolpak contract

Post by holcs Fri 29 Feb 2008, 00:13

What a joke. Especially as Leics have just dumped a load of their younger bowlers.

Walker was a bit so-so, but I can't believe they've piked up a chucker on a kolpak! Its really got my wick especially as one of the lads on our tour is at Leics and only young as well!


Number of posts : 5481
Age : 44
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Registration date : 2007-09-04
Flag/Background : eng

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