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TV Coverage

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TV Coverage Empty TV Coverage

Post by Bennyfishel Wed 24 Feb 2016, 06:27

I am very disappointed that there has been no "free" tv cover of the New Zealand v Australia test matches in Australia and not even radio commentaries, I have had to go periodically to my PC to pick up the scores and I have found them quite exciting we must give credit to the Blackcaps they have put up a good fight and they are much better to watch than a lot of the other national teams (England for instant) I believe that NZ are improving rapidly in most world class sports and it wont be long before they are in the top 4 cricket rankings....GOOD LUCK KIWIS. Nod

Number of posts : 41
Age : 94
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Registration date : 2015-04-06
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TV Coverage Empty Re: TV Coverage

Post by Big Dog Wed 24 Feb 2016, 06:47

Shake the moths out of your pocket & get Foxtel. Wink
Big Dog
Big Dog

Number of posts : 16498
Age : 33
Reputation : 100
Registration date : 2007-09-05
Flag/Background : tig


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