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If you were a US citizen . . .

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Who would you vote for?

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Total Votes : 33

If you were a US citizen . . . Empty If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by tac Thu 29 Nov 2007, 10:35


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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by tac Thu 29 Nov 2007, 10:36

JKL and taips seem to agree with my solution.

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by taipan Thu 29 Nov 2007, 10:37

I think we are of one mind.

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by bliksem Thu 29 Nov 2007, 10:49

Which one of you is using it now?

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by The One Thu 29 Nov 2007, 10:50

republican, whoever that is

obama no way. hillary probably not

The One

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by bliksem Thu 29 Nov 2007, 10:59

Republican is Rudy "Remember me?" Guiliani, who, as a serious political candidate, would be laughed off the podium in most other democracies around the world. In America, however, he is viewed as a hero because he was publicly visible during one of the worst periods in their history. The power of television........

There would be no way I'd vote Republican. I'd probably vote for Billary, especially as she is a champion of universal health care and Obama is not. Also, let's face it - the majority of the US's problems have been caused by the "Yee-ha!! Let's get 'em cowboy!!" attitude that is predominantly found in males. It's probably time for a woman to come in and reorganise their priorities and their demeanour. It certainly couldn't hurt any.

Number of posts : 1005
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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by JGK Thu 29 Nov 2007, 11:01

With Hilary you really get Bill who should still be President.


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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by taipan Thu 29 Nov 2007, 11:03

JGK wrote:With Hilary you really get Bill who should still be President.

I thought she was, when he was, if you get what I mean.

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by JGK Thu 29 Nov 2007, 11:13

Yes, I do.


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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by The One Thu 29 Nov 2007, 11:28

bliksem wrote:Republican is Rudy "Remember me?" Guiliani, who, as a serious political candidate, would be laughed off the podium in most other democracies around the world.

is there only one republican candidate? anyways i'd prefer republican probably more from an indian perspective. if i actually had to live there i wouldnt mind hillary too much

The One

Number of posts : 9035
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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by *Buckaroo* Thu 29 Nov 2007, 11:29

which idiot clicked billary, guiliani ?

billary takes pro-China route to salvation and Rudy will be even worse than Bush. He belongs to the same neocon clique.

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by JGK Thu 29 Nov 2007, 11:31

I would be the idiot that clicked Billary.


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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by eowyn Thu 29 Nov 2007, 11:38


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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by bliksem Thu 29 Nov 2007, 12:07

The One wrote:
bliksem wrote:Republican is Rudy "Remember me?" Guiliani, who, as a serious political candidate, would be laughed off the podium in most other democracies around the world.

is there only one republican candidate? anyways i'd prefer republican probably more from an indian perspective. if i actually had to live there i wouldnt mind hillary too much

No, there's a few more. Most of them are just bitter old farts who seem to view the job as being the commander in chief of the US army rather than the leader of the nation.

Number of posts : 1005
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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by embee Thu 29 Nov 2007, 12:19

Is the bloke from Law and Order still running?

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by tac Thu 29 Nov 2007, 12:20

embee wrote:Is the bloke from Law and Order still running?

Fred Thompson . . . looks like he's farked.

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by Allan D Thu 29 Nov 2007, 12:38

bliksem wrote:Republican is Rudy "Remember me?" Guiliani, who, as a serious political candidate, would be laughed off the podium in most other democracies around the world. In America, however, he is viewed as a hero because he was publicly visible during one of the worst periods in their history. The power of television........

He governed a population bigger than all but two US states for 8 years and ran the 17th largest economy in the world and turned a bankrupt, crime-ridden city around into somewhere that is solvent and a lot safer than many UK cities currently.

bliksem wrote:There would be no way I'd vote Republican. I'd probably vote for Billary, especially as she is a champion of universal health care and Obama is not. Also, let's face it - the majority of the US's problems have been caused by the "Yee-ha!! Let's get 'em cowboy!!" attitude that is predominantly found in males. It's probably time for a woman to come in and reorganise their priorities and their demeanour. It certainly couldn't hurt any.

You mean a nurturing sort of woman like Golda Meir, Mrs Gandhi or Mrs T? You can include Elizabeth I and Catherine the Great in that list if you want to go further back (although they were never elected) as women who came in and reorganised male priorities. I am reminded of the "Spitting Image" sketch about Mrs T taking her Cabinet to a restaurant and ordering a steak cooked rare. The waiter asks her "what about the vegetables?" "Oh, they'll have the same as me" she replies.

I think that would be very much Hillary's style of government except when she got into a mess (which would be pretty likely) in which case Bill would be called in to sort it out (assuming he is not otherwise engaged with the office help).
Allan D
Allan D

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by bliksem Thu 29 Nov 2007, 13:35

Giuliani's approach to 'getting tough on crime' by coming down hard on petty criminals was utterly laughable and was nothing more than a politically motivated publicity stunt designed to let him announce drops in crime figures. The fact of the matter is that it was the policies that he inherited from David Dinkins that really made a difference when it came to violent crimes in NY and those figures were dropping well before Giuliani took over. Giuliani's efforts were shallow and trite in comparison.

As for running the 17th largest economy in the world,' I think you'll find that the mayor has little power in that regard, but I'm sure the Governor and Senators of NY are glad you appreciate their efforts (which includes Billary).

You can name some women who were hard-handed in their positions of power, but for each woman I can name 10 men. However, it's not the approach to governing rather than the policies they implement that will be the differentiating factor. Billary has already shown this. I'm not saying that she will be nicer to deal with, but she has shown that her priorities differ and at the moment that's what I feel the US needs.

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by Brass Monkey Thu 29 Nov 2007, 13:47

bliksem wrote:Giuliani's approach to 'getting tough on crime' by coming down hard on petty criminals was utterly laughable and was nothing more than a politically motivated publicity stunt designed to let him announce drops in crime figures. The fact of the matter is that it was the policies that he inherited from David Dinkins that really made a difference when it came to violent crimes in NY and those figures were dropping well before Giuliani took over. Giuliani's efforts were shallow and trite in comparison.

As for running the 17th largest economy in the world,' I think you'll find that the mayor has little power in that regard, but I'm sure the Governor and Senators of NY are glad you appreciate their efforts (which includes Billary).

You can name some women who were hard-handed in their positions of power, but for each woman I can name 10 men. However, it's not the approach to governing rather than the policies they implement that will be the differentiating factor. Billary has already shown this. I'm not saying that she will be nicer to deal with, but she has shown that her priorities differ and at the moment that's what I feel the US needs.

Sage Bliks. You mad count.
Brass Monkey
Brass Monkey

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by Allan D Thu 29 Nov 2007, 14:26

bliksem wrote:The fact of the matter is that it was the policies that he inherited from David Dinkins that really made a difference when it came to violent crimes in NY and those figures were dropping well before Giuliani took over.

Is this the same David Dinkins who failed to pay his income tax for 5 years and then said:

"I haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law." ?

A line that could have equally been said by the Clintons over Whitewater. I wonder if we'll ever know who killed Vince Foster in 1994, the David Kelley of US politics. Another example of a nurturing female is Janet ("Call Me Big John") Reno, the Clintons' appointee as Attorney General (after all their other suggestions had fallen by the wayside) who ordered the Abrams' tanks and the flamethrowers into Waco in April 1993 thereby triggering the biggest terrorist outrage in the US before 9/11 at Oklahoma City two years later.
Allan D
Allan D

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by Lara Lara Laughs Thu 29 Nov 2007, 14:28

I love US elections. They're so much more interesting than ours because race, religion and geography, play such a huge part.

It's a toss up between Hillary and Obama for me. Either would be a pretty revolutionary choice for Americans. I can't see why Hillary's so hated though. A lot of people won't vote for her just because they see her as unelectable.

I can't see her getting too many of the red states in the deep south, mainly because she's a woman, but then again it's possible to win a presidential election without wining any of those states.

Apparently Obama's got Oprah campaigning for him. Guaranteed votes there but he's still miles behind in the primaries.
Lara Lara Laughs
Lara Lara Laughs

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by Lara Lara Laughs Thu 29 Nov 2007, 14:31

Wow, Allan D, you're coming across as massively bigoted.
Lara Lara Laughs
Lara Lara Laughs

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by bliksem Thu 29 Nov 2007, 14:52

Allan D wrote:
Is this the same David Dinkins who failed to pay his income tax for 5 years and then said:

"I haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law." ?

Yes, the same one. What that has to do with Giuliani taking credit for his crime initiatives will still have to be explained to me though. Or are you saying that blacks are unfit for public office as well?

I don't know why you keep trying to show women as being monsters though, but as you are you could've picked a better example than Janet Reno. For a start, she didn't order the tanks into Waco - she approved the FBI and the ATF's recommendation, which was based on their own faulty intelligence and general incompetence. I notice you also didn't bother to mention her role in the return of Elian Gonzalez to his father. Why is that?

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by doremi Thu 29 Nov 2007, 15:05

Don't vote. Plain and simple.

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If you were a US citizen . . . Empty Re: If you were a US citizen . . .

Post by Brass Monkey Thu 29 Nov 2007, 15:38

Lara Lara Laughs wrote:Wow, Allan D, you're coming across as massively bigoted.

**cough** Tory boy... **cough**
Brass Monkey
Brass Monkey

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