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Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method.

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Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method. Empty Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method.

Post by PeterCS Sat 17 Nov 2012, 12:07

It's a good concept, but a bit of a logistical nightmare.

At present rate, I estimate the game will be completed round about Easter.


Here's an idea for a faster-paced thing. A Test rather than a timeless Test. Maybe for another forum.

Every entrant puts forward his/her First XII (it doesn't matter who goes first, or last, at least until some cutoff point is agreed).

Where two or more people have the same player, that player is "retired, out" and the pickers have to make a second (alternative) selection.

It's possible this may happen three or four times, even five (depends largely on how many are in, of course), until there is a tournament.

There are several thousand Test players to select from, so the game wouldn't run out of choices.

And you could reach a consensus in a few days.

A Test, but not farqin timeless.


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Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method. Empty Re: Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method.

Post by Brass Monkey Sat 17 Nov 2012, 12:12

You f*cking Nazi. Leave Prez's oranges and bananas alone.
Brass Monkey
Brass Monkey

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Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method. Empty Re: Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method.

Post by PeterCS Sat 17 Nov 2012, 12:48

Au contraire, mon frère.

'Tis you who are the frooty one around these parts.

You are, in fact, the Carmen F*cking Miranda of Cricket Forums.

Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method. 220px-Carmen_Miranda_in_The_Gang%27s_All_Here_trailer_cropped
******** Monkehh forumming ********

Number of posts : 43743
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Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method. Empty Re: Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method.

Post by Brass Monkey Sat 17 Nov 2012, 12:58

Ay-yay-yay'm goeeng banannas?

Thought my avatar said as much?
Brass Monkey
Brass Monkey

Number of posts : 44858
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Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method. Empty Re: Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method.

Post by lardbucket Sat 17 Nov 2012, 13:10

PeterCS wrote:Au contraire, mon frère.

'Tis you who are the frooty one around these parts.

You are, in fact, the Carmen F*cking Miranda of Cricket Forums.

Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method. 220px-Carmen_Miranda_in_The_Gang%27s_All_Here_trailer_cropped
******** Monkehh forumming ********

there seems plenty in that photo to sustain Allan and his parents, though the child looks a little old


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Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method. Empty Re: Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method.

Post by MrPrez Sat 17 Nov 2012, 14:32

Well, if people want to do your format, it's fine with me.

I may even try simulate a few games between the teams afterwards (though no promises).

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Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method. Empty Re: Hey Mr Prez .... Draft, alternative method.

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