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Player appeals to the umpire

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Player appeals to the umpire Empty Player appeals to the umpire

Post by Maddog Thu 23 May 2024, 18:56

I don't know if anyone else feels the same but i hate it that the original ''how was that'' has morphed into an unpleasant bellow towards the umpire very often. Some of the south Asian players literally scream repeatedly at the official and i honestly think it's time to have some rules about it. It'd be nice if they went back to ASKING the umpire for his decision.


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Player appeals to the umpire Empty Re: Player appeals to the umpire

Post by lardbucket Fri 24 May 2024, 07:15

Agree. That, and those occasions where celebration precedes any appeal or decision … the bowler demands or even presumes rather than appeals.  This can be followed by faux bewilderment if the decision, when it comes, does not favour the bowler. Very unattractive.

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Player appeals to the umpire Empty Re: Player appeals to the umpire

Post by Maddog Tue 04 Jun 2024, 15:15

I used to play rugby union competitively and at the lower levels i was at, there really were and are now, some appalling decisions made by referees who are either paid very little or aren't paid at all. I am now 47 and my playing days are long gone but even then we had to bite our lip and get on with things. The reason being that it was drilled into us very early on that our captain could ask the ref. to explain something or even reconsider a decision but that was it, any OTT response meant problems for the team. I feel the footballers could also benefit from a rule that says surrounding a referee would be a yellow card for each and every one doing it. It would soon stop.
When i retired after a bad knee injury at 37 i tried my hand at refereeing and it's incredibly tough to see the whole picture in the short time you have to view it. So respect is something we need, in my view.


Number of posts : 25
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Registration date : 2024-02-02

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