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'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf

leg glancer
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'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf Empty 'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf

Post by SG Thu 22 May 2008, 06:14

'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf


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'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf Empty Re: 'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf

Post by doremi Thu 22 May 2008, 09:13

Well, you shouldn't have been petulant and signed up for the ICL.

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'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf Empty Re: 'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf

Post by leg glancer Thu 22 May 2008, 09:28

Serves him right, missing out on all that money because of his own fickleness. I have no sympathy for him.
leg glancer
leg glancer

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'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf Empty Re: 'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf

Post by SG Thu 22 May 2008, 10:19

Same here.

This one is particularly hypocritical.

I left the ICL on the insistence of the chairman and I did that for the country,"

Nobody forced him to sign for ICL. It was his own greed to earn quick bucks. Was that too done for the country?


Number of posts : 12806
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'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf Empty Re: 'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf

Post by skully Thu 22 May 2008, 13:43

So when is that other brand of sh!t on a stick, ICL, supposed to be played? Or did we blink and miss it?

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'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf Empty Re: 'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf

Post by tac Thu 22 May 2008, 13:44

Yousuf has signed to play for the Wozzies next season . . . not quite the IPL . . .

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'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf Empty Re: 'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf

Post by *Buckaroo* Thu 22 May 2008, 14:57

SG wrote:Nobody forced him to sign for ICL. It was his own greed to earn quick bucks. Was that too done for the country?

Are you saying his selfishness is worse than the selfishness of some others playing currently in IPL ?

are we now quantifying selfishness ? there are two kinds of selfishness .. one is good selfishness and the other is bad selfishness ??

Some shellfish ..

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'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf Empty Re: 'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf

Post by Brass Monkey Thu 22 May 2008, 14:58

Good selfishness and bad selfishness? Who are you, Mick McTaggart?
Brass Monkey
Brass Monkey

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'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf Empty Re: 'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf

Post by *Buckaroo* Thu 22 May 2008, 15:02

yes, Yusuf is an exponent of the bad shellfish.

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'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf Empty Re: 'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf

Post by PeterCS Fri 23 May 2008, 02:09

Don't come the raw prawn with "Cat".

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'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf Empty Re: 'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf

Post by PlanetPakistan Fri 23 May 2008, 07:50

Certainly Yousuf's fault. He should stay quiet and take the county money

...oh and don't count on DNA to fulfill any promises.

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'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf Empty Re: 'It's very sad missing out on the IPL' - Yousuf

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