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Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says!

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Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says! Empty Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says!

Post by Batman Wed 20 May 2009, 11:00

Listen to whatever your wife says: SC tells husbands

If you want to buy matrimonial peace just do whatever your wife says!

This is not some piece of advice from a marriage counsellor, rather it is from the country's apex court.

A vacation bench of justices Markandeya Katju and Deepak Verma observed, "Bibi joh boltee hai woh sunno (listen to whatever your wife says), as otherwise it could land you in trouble. Because if you do not listen to her, you will suffer the consequences."

"Hum sab bhogi hai (we are all sufferers)," the bench said in a lighter vein.

The bench further said that a husband has to accept the suggestion of a wife irrespective of the fact whether it is sensible or not.

"If your wife asks you to put your face that side, put it that side. If she says, put it this side, then put it this side. Otherwise you will face trouble. Hum sub bhogi hai," the bench remarked again.

The interesting suggestions from the apex court evolved on Tuesday during a matrimonial case involving an Air Force official Deepak Kumar who complained that his estranged wife Manisha had ruined him and his family by implicating them in false criminal cases including sodomy.

The couple got married 17 years ago but matrimonial disputes surfaced between the two soon after marriage. A district court in Chandigarh dismissed Deepak's plea for divorce as Manisha opposed it, but a single judge of the Punjab and Haryana High Court granted decree of judicial separation.

On an appeal from Manisha, a division bench granted the decree of divorce as the marriage "had irretrievably broken down" besides directing Rs 10 lakh maintenance amount from Deepak to her.

Number of posts : 8881
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Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says! Empty Re: Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says!

Post by Batman Wed 20 May 2009, 11:01

It's a pretty bizarre comment from the judges who are not accustomed to crack jokes in court. I thought initially that the Supreme Court judges sarcastically commented thus. It is funny. But it's not funny for many men trapped in bad marriages with vindictive wives. In India where the laws are heavily stacked in favour of women, a lot of them abuse and misuse the laws to harrase not just their husbands trapped in bad marriages, but also their families to force him to shell out money and privileges, while he stands victimized and humiliated in society.

Number of posts : 8881
Age : 114
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Registration date : 2007-09-08
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Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says! Empty Re: Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says!

Post by tac Wed 20 May 2009, 11:08

Batman wrote:It's a pretty bizarre comment from the judges who are not accustomed to crack jokes in court. I thought initially that the Supreme Court judges sarcastically commented thus. It is funny. But it's not funny for many men trapped in bad marriages with vindictive wives. In India where the laws are heavily stacked in favour of women, a lot of them abuse and misuse the laws to harrase not just their husbands trapped in bad marriages, but also their families to force him to shell out money and privileges, while he stands victimized and humiliated in society.

Gee, batty, sorry to hear you've been doing it so tough. You could always take a leave out of Nigel's book and find yourself a cyber whore?

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Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says! Empty Re: Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says!

Post by Demelza Wed 20 May 2009, 11:23

A leave?

Seems like you're spending too much time with your cyber whore and picking up her mistakes.

Last edited by Demelza on Wed 20 May 2009, 11:27; edited 1 time in total

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Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says! Empty Re: Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says!

Post by Batman Wed 20 May 2009, 11:26

tac wrote: Gee, batty, sorry to hear you've been doing it so tough. You could always take a leave out of Nigel's book and find yourself a cyber whore?

Some quip. Nevertheless. I do know quite a few unfortunate blokes looking for something worth living for, in similiar situations. The law is most cruel to them and it takes ages to reach a settlement legally, when a woman is hell bent on non co-operation, aimed to tire and harrase a man out. A woman can accuse a man and his whole family for many wrongs and get them arrested without proving the charges. By the time they can prove their innocence, or get those charges to be dropped on lack of evidence, they already see jails and the social stigma that comes from the whole episode and enough mental endurance and harrasement as well. Spotless reputations, clean backgrounds matter a lot here and such issues tend to damage many a people's social standing and place in society. People can pay a lot of price to maintain that. A lot of times, implicating family members is a way many bitches use to blackmail and break a man to get him on his knees for terms and conditions of settlement the woman fancies. Lots of women make marriages business, i.e getting a rich man to marry her and than misuse the laws to to break the man down through legal harrasement for riches, where everything he prides for is put at stake.

While poor and deprived women needed such laws in a reserved and closed rural societies where women didn't have many right in the old days to seek easy acess to justice, sadly their urban counterparts see them as opportunities to inflict damage on someone who they can destroy in marriage, if things don't go their way and also as business through sadistic means legally.

Last edited by Batman on Wed 20 May 2009, 11:58; edited 2 times in total

Number of posts : 8881
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Registration date : 2007-09-08
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Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says! Empty Re: Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says!

Post by tac Wed 20 May 2009, 11:27

Indeed, batty, certain crimes carry a stigma whether guilty or not . . .

Number of posts : 19270
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Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says! Empty Re: Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says!

Post by jim rich Wed 20 May 2009, 12:09

The USA seems to export not only nuclear know-how to India.

The moral of the story?
Pre-entry contracts, as pre-nuptial contracts seem to fail. Written proof that each get-together was (con)sensual and free of cost.

jim rich

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Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says! Empty Re: Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says!

Post by tac Wed 20 May 2009, 12:51

5-year lease with option to purchase?

Number of posts : 19270
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Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says! Empty Re: Indian Supreme Court: Listen to whatever your wife says!

Post by jim rich Wed 20 May 2009, 13:12

Nah! She'll prolly dig into you in the sixth year then. Very Happy

jim rich

Number of posts : 829
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