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Nice Beard Thorpy!

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Nice Beard Thorpy! Empty Nice Beard Thorpy!

Post by bodyline Tue 12 Jul 2011, 03:01

CHAMPION swimmer Ian Thorpe has revealed that he is sick of people questioning his sexuality.
Thorpe, who is constantly having to deny he is gay, said despite having long-term relationships with women in the past, people will still not believe he is straight.

He told UK newspaper The Sunday Times: "I don't think anybody has a right to write about (my private life), but I don't care enough about it to be bothered. If you try and fight it, you're damned; if you don't, you're damned. If you get married, it's a sham."

Thorpe has previously alluded to a relationship with fellow swimmer Amanda Beard. But she insists it was just a friendship.

NB: The irony of the name Beard is not lost on Confidential.


Nice Beard Thorpy! MPDozzd

Number of posts : 2335
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Registration date : 2007-09-04
Flag/Background : eng

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Nice Beard Thorpy! Empty Re: Nice Beard Thorpy!

Post by PeterCS Tue 12 Jul 2011, 03:03

It would only be ironic if she were called Damaninda Beard.

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Nice Beard Thorpy! Empty Re: Nice Beard Thorpy!

Post by Zat Tue 12 Jul 2011, 03:10

He told UK newspaper The Sunday Times
See, that's where his whole campaign falls over. He should have told the News of The World. Or at least given them his mobile number to hack into.


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Nice Beard Thorpy! Empty Re: Nice Beard Thorpy!

Post by bodyline Tue 12 Jul 2011, 03:13

Zat wrote:
He told UK newspaper The Sunday Times
See, that's where his whole campaign falls over. He should have told the News of The World. Or at least given them his mobile number to hack into.

they probably already have hacked it and decided to leave the call in the closet.


Nice Beard Thorpy! MPDozzd

Number of posts : 2335
Reputation : 5
Registration date : 2007-09-04
Flag/Background : eng

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Nice Beard Thorpy! Empty Re: Nice Beard Thorpy!

Post by PeterCS Tue 12 Jul 2011, 03:30

Zat wrote:
He told UK newspaper The Sunday Times
See, that's where his whole campaign falls over. He should have told the News of The World. Or at least given them his mobile number to hack into.

Murdoch's upmarket Sunday is not above a spot of illegal digging too, it might seem.

Fraudster impersonated Chancellor Gordon Brown to grab his bank details

So it is sort of like telling the News of the Screws - but by tipoff rather than directly.


Number of posts : 43743
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Nice Beard Thorpy! Empty Re: Nice Beard Thorpy!

Post by Red Tue 12 Jul 2011, 04:12

I noticed that one of the papers carrying that information had also added that Thorpy is shacked up with a good looking male swimmer at the moment. Amanda Beard was at pains to explain that her relationship with Ian was platonic.

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Nice Beard Thorpy! Empty Re: Nice Beard Thorpy!

Post by embee Tue 12 Jul 2011, 04:13

I was sure Red would have linked Thorpy to Sooky Smith

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Nice Beard Thorpy! Empty Re: Nice Beard Thorpy!

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