Flaming Bails
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There's a glow in the sky on the western horizon.

Mick Sawyer
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There's a glow in the sky on the western horizon. - Page 2 Empty Re: There's a glow in the sky on the western horizon.

Post by embee Wed 02 Jul 2008, 06:55

Zat wrote:Zimi's decided that it's a good time to have a barbecue, and this one's the mother of them all.

An enormous cross, with meats of all varieties hanging from it.

And chefs in magnificent, long, flowing, white robes.

They're all mates because they keep asking each other if they're all right. At least, all you hear is 'K' repeated ad nauseam.

And I like the hats the chefs are wearing, because the pointy bits keep hair out of the food, while the mask part keeps the hot, spitting fat from their faces...

I can see why Zim picked the Hippo Creek ....

Number of posts : 26260
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Registration date : 2007-09-03
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There's a glow in the sky on the western horizon. - Page 2 Empty Re: There's a glow in the sky on the western horizon.

Post by Zat Wed 02 Jul 2008, 07:01



Number of posts : 28872
Reputation : 86
Registration date : 2007-09-04
Flag/Background : eng

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