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Why the hell did England get this guy on board?

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Why the hell did England get this guy on board? Empty Why the hell did England get this guy on board?

Post by Henry Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:00 pm


Seems like Buchanan has forgotten which board is now signing his pay checks. I know what he's trying to do, ie fire KP up, but it wont work because I think KP's problems are more technical than most people think. It's not just a question of getting his mind focussed on batting. These comments just provide ammunition for the Aussies.

Buchanan must be the most overrated coach in cricketing history. Perhaps in coaching history.

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Why the hell did England get this guy on board? Empty Re: Why the hell did England get this guy on board?

Post by embee Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:06 pm

Didnt Buchanan say the same about KP during the 06/07 Ashes?


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Why the hell did England get this guy on board? Empty Re: Why the hell did England get this guy on board?

Post by Henry Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:11 pm

Yes. When he was Australian coach, not a consultant for England.

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Why the hell did England get this guy on board? Empty Re: Why the hell did England get this guy on board?

Post by Red Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:23 pm

Interesting that KP did make some runs during his last series to oz but only on the flat pitches. He struggled when the ball wobbled around a bit in Melbourne and Sydney with some inclement weather about.

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Why the hell did England get this guy on board? Empty Re: Why the hell did England get this guy on board?

Post by skully Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:34 pm

Meh. KP will probably score 500 with 2 tons in the series. Weirdo Buchanan has his methods.

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Why the hell did England get this guy on board? Empty Re: Why the hell did England get this guy on board?

Post by JKLever Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:33 pm

Red wrote: He struggled when the ball wobbled around a bit

Really now? An aussie taunting an oppo player for struggling a bit when the ball is wobbling about! Shocked

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Registration date : 2007-08-07
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Why the hell did England get this guy on board? Empty Re: Why the hell did England get this guy on board?

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