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New World Order

Brass Monkey
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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by *Buckaroo* Thu 24 Jan 2008, 04:39

I gave it a lot of thought .. finally I have decided.

am' going to marry her.

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by mynah Thu 24 Jan 2008, 06:18

Marry who? Bigfoot or Mudge?

New World Order - Page 11 APSeEpm

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by *Buckaroo* Thu 24 Jan 2008, 06:38

I'm ready to do whatever she wants.

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by Mal function Sat 26 Jan 2008, 14:34

i'm not going to read this thread it looks like a waste of time.

Mal function

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by *Buckaroo* Sat 26 Jan 2008, 14:42

Laughing Zat is back.

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Why The Western World Needs Armageddon

Post by *Buckaroo* Wed 12 Mar 2008, 05:43

Why The Western World Needs Armageddon
By Benjamin Fulford
Former Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief
Forbes Magazine

The Western world is suffering from an ancient illness that can only be cured with Armageddon therapy. Christianity and Judaism represent a schism between the Greco-Roman civilizations and the Sumerian-Egyptian civilizations. This schism has resulted in a society with a split personality. On the surface Greco-Roman values such as Democracy and the rule of law predominate. Under the surface ancient Sumerian-Egyptian derived secret societies manipulate the masses for the benefit of a hidden elite. To heal the split personality disorder and to cure the West's obsession with end times, we need to fulfill Judeo-Christian biblical prophesy. We have the technology to do this now. For the sake of the planet it must be done.

Let us start by analyzing the origins of the West's mental illness. For over 3,000 years, Sumerian/Egyptian civilization had evolved a system of government that involved having people believe in an all powerful God while at the same time a man with God-like powers sat on a throne. The God-king had at his service priests, financiers and warriors who controlled the masses on his behalf. They had deep and esoteric knowledge of how to manipulate society using a combination of religion, financial incentives and violence. When their rule was secure, the existence of a king as an intermediary between God and the people was not kept secret. His rule was absolute and not to be questioned. His symbol was an eye at the top of a pyramid. Jesus Christ was a rebel in their midst who called for greater help for the poor and more equality among humans.

The Greco-Roman civilization evolved a slightly different system of government. Open debate between elite members of society formed the basis of government. It also used laws and precedents as a basis for arbitrating social disputes. Later it adopted a non-hereditary form of dictatorship.

When the Roman empire conquered the ancient Sumerian kingdom that had Jerusalem as its capital, a 3,000 year old social system was violently attacked and its elite rulers slaughtered and scattered. They then stole many of their ideas and created a new system, incorporating the philosophy of Christ and Greco-Roman religious beliefs. That new pyramid became the Roman Catholic Church. The new "Christian" system belittled and insulted the creators of the original pyramid system.

The ancient Sumerian system of government with the knowledge of their elite class was forced, due to intensive persecution, to become a secret society. We know of them today as the Freemasons or the pyramid with the eye on top. The goal of this secret society was to get revenge against the Romans and restore the rightful rule of the ancient line of Sumerian kings.

The Sumerian sect was able to survive and thrive in central Asia and create a kingdom. When that kingdom was overthrown by the Mongols and the Russians, the elite fled to Europe and once again operated as a secret society. This time they wanted revenge against the Russians, the Mongols and the Romans as they worked towards the goal of ruling all of humanity.

The Sumerian ruling class was able, in Europe, to trigger a "protestant" revolt against papal rule. This led to the rise of two competing power pyramids in Europe. In the Catholic countries the pyramid was visible and the pope was its eye. In the Protestant countries only a tiny elite was ever aware of the existence of a Sumerian or Babylonian power pyramid and the presence of a would-be God king in their midst. The secret Sumerian ruling class of intermarried aristocrats and plutocrats had, for safety reasons, to keep their presence hidden from the majority who believe they have a Democratic law-abiding government.

This dual nature of Western society, the public and the "occult" has degenerated to the point where it threatens the safety of the entire planet. The Sumerian self-styled God kings, bent on imposing their highly-centralized system of government on the planet, have been continually manipulating the peace-loving majority into war after war.
Weapons technology has become too fearsome, however, for war to continue to be a way to continue "diplomacy by other means." Furthermore, the rise of the internet and the collective conscious it represents, means that the occult part of the Western world can no longer manipulate people with 911-type events.

So, what needs to be done is to come up with a solution that satisfies both the hidden and open strata of the West. That solution is Armageddon.

Here is a suggested way of carrying out that Armageddon in a way that satisfies both Jewish and Christian millennial prophesies.

First of all the Western secret governments (I believe they have split into two factions) need to prepare the biggest inside job in history. With the cooperation of the aware portion of humanity, they will create a huge, fake world-wide disaster. Television news programs will broadcast scenes of famine, plague and global total warfare involving all forms of weapons of mass destruction. There will be earthquakes, plagues of locusts and as much else as can be predicted. Hopefully the armies of Europe, China, Russia and India etc. could be asked to cooperate to make the show as real as possible. The event must be so terrifying that humans will never wish to wage war again.

The role of the anti-Christ can be played by a devil worshipping secret society. The Messiah can be played by the collective human mind that found expression in the internet. At the end the devil worshippers will repent and "convert" and be forgiven.

Humanity can then have a party to end all parties and inaugurate a "New Age."

To fulfill Christian prophesy, all humans who wish it must be given DNA therapy to assure the close equivalent of immortality. People will also be given the choice to enhance their intelligence and other abilities through gene therapy.

The Western elite can then become the chosen people because it is a fairly safe bet that intelligence genes carried by families like the Rothschilds and the Einsteins will become prized. Most people will choose to have the intelligence genes of the families that ruled the West for so long and helped make it strong.

The release of suppressed technology, most importantly the suppressed energy technology, would lead to an exponential economic expansion that would allow this planet to easily support 20 billion people (although the population is expected to reach a plateau of 8 billion). The new technology would also allow a systematic colonization of space.
The Jews can then finally celebrate their freedom from "Babylonian" captivity and rebuild their temple (but not over the remains of the old one). The Catholic church, I am sure, can then be convinced to hand over any relics they may have in their possession (including, it is rumored, the original Menorah) of the original temple.

The Sumerian ruling elite will no longer have to hide but can operate in the open, using the internet and their powers of persuasion to get a large global following for their God king.

Once all this is accomplished the West will finally be cured of its split-personality disorder. It will no longer harbor a hidden agenda of world-conquest. The result will be a permanent end to warfare. World wars can be replaced by a world court and special competitive campaigns. The first one could be an intensive 3-year effort to remove disease, poverty and environmental destruction.

After that humanity could have, as a basic purpose, the job of combining energy with carbon to create life, lots and lots of varied and beautiful life.

The current UN Security Council can be replaced by a group of seven sages. China, India, Japan and Asean, Europe, Africa, the Muslim world and the Americas could each select one of the sages. Decision making would be by simple majority and a veto would only apply to the region the sage represents.

All that it would take for this to happen is a psychological cure for the Western world. Armageddon therapy to unify the Sumerian and Greco-Roman traditions is just the right sort of cure.

Benjamin Fulford

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by tac Wed 12 Mar 2008, 05:46

The role of the anti-Christ can be played by a devil worshipping secret society.

Idiots . . . they know nothing of the anti-christ!

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by *Buckaroo* Wed 12 Mar 2008, 05:46

you know better ? :o

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by embee Wed 12 Mar 2008, 05:57

tac doesn't stand for "truckled a citrus"?

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by Brass Monkey Wed 12 Mar 2008, 12:26

Nah, stands for 'Tits and cock'. He's a tranny.
Brass Monkey
Brass Monkey

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by embee Wed 12 Mar 2008, 12:30

Brass Monkey wrote:Nah, stands for 'Tits and cock'. He's a tranny.

well in his case it would be testicles and ******

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by Brass Monkey Wed 12 Mar 2008, 12:52

embee wrote:
well in his case it would be testicles and ******

Laughing Laughing Laughing Aye probably. Makes me wonder how he f*cked half the forum's mums though.
Brass Monkey
Brass Monkey

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by embee Wed 12 Mar 2008, 13:15

cyber cock

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by tac Wed 12 Mar 2008, 23:11

I am just a love albatross . . . how can forum mum's resist my cuddly sexual featherhood!

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by G.Wood Wed 12 Mar 2008, 23:20

embee wrote:
Brass Monkey wrote:Nah, stands for 'Tits and cock'. He's a tranny.

well in his case it would be testicles and ******

explains why he/she spends so much time at home

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by tac Wed 12 Mar 2008, 23:22

G.Wood wrote:
embee wrote:
Brass Monkey wrote:Nah, stands for 'Tits and cock'. He's a tranny.

well in his case it would be testicles and ******

explains why he/she spends so much time at home

In my mum's basement?

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by G.Wood Wed 12 Mar 2008, 23:22

tac wrote:
G.Wood wrote:
embee wrote:
Brass Monkey wrote:Nah, stands for 'Tits and cock'. He's a tranny.

well in his case it would be testicles and ******

explains why he/she spends so much time at home

In my mum's basement?

Aye, doing that Silence of the Lambs pose thingy

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by tac Wed 12 Mar 2008, 23:23

G.Wood wrote:
tac wrote:
G.Wood wrote:
embee wrote:
Brass Monkey wrote:Nah, stands for 'Tits and cock'. He's a tranny.

well in his case it would be testicles and ******

explains why he/she spends so much time at home

In my mum's basement?

Aye, doing that Silence of the Lambs pose thingy

Silence of the love albatross.

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by Brass Monkey Wed 12 Mar 2008, 23:23

tac wrote:
G.Wood wrote:
embee wrote:
Brass Monkey wrote:Nah, stands for 'Tits and cock'. He's a tranny.

well in his case it would be testicles and ******

explains why he/she spends so much time at home

In my mum's basement?

Your mum? I f*cked her ragged. She loved it.
Brass Monkey
Brass Monkey

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by tac Wed 12 Mar 2008, 23:24

Brass Monkey wrote:
tac wrote:
G.Wood wrote:
embee wrote:
Brass Monkey wrote:Nah, stands for 'Tits and cock'. He's a tranny.

well in his case it would be testicles and ******

explains why he/she spends so much time at home

In my mum's basement?

Your mum? I f*cked her ragged. She loved it.

Oh, Danny needs some attention. bounce

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by tac Wed 12 Mar 2008, 23:25

England actually doing well in the cricket, so nothing to whinge about, eh, soldier?

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by Brass Monkey Wed 12 Mar 2008, 23:38

tac wrote:

Oh, Danny needs some attention. bounce

Shouldn't you say 'imitation is the sincerest form of flattery'? Because that's your favourite line. It's pretty much your motto... y'know because it's so high-brow and witty.
Brass Monkey
Brass Monkey

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by HH_pink Wed 12 Mar 2008, 23:41

Cue something about 13 minutes ...

New World Order - Page 11 APSeEpm

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by *Buckaroo* Fri 04 Apr 2008, 14:14


The Hidden History of Money & New World Order Usury Secrets
by Alexander James

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Learn the history of how the current enslaving monetary system, in which the Banklords get a credit monopoly (which gives them the power to create money from nothing at no liability to themselves because it is redeemable for any goods or services produced by anyone willing to accept the private Federal Reserve dollar currency notes and cheques) and use our tax system to collect the fraudulent interest was brought about by the forces of the banking family dynasties working to establish a tyrannical New World Order through a series of wars, depressions, deficits, propaganda and crimes in which good politicians are murdered or removed by the New World Order (N.W.O.) mafias . Learn how ancient pagan cults are elitist-made inventions designed to allow the elitist priesthood (Pharisees) to con value out of those that follow them and learn how these Pharisees have transformed themselves and are leading everyone back towards feudal fascist enslavement.

Order Out of Chaos Terrorism and the New World Order
by David Todeschini

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A New World Order is being erected and it is the biggest threat humanity has ever faced. Moreover, it is a menace to each and every one of us individually. It is a danger to our family, our way of life and our children’s future. You will learn what it is, who is behind it, what they are doing to achieve it and why, and finally how we can ensure its destruction. This E-book is posted on www.PrisonPlanet.TV, as a free download. It is available here to my readers, because visitors to my web site at www.Net4TruthUSA.com are always looking for books of this nature. The end of the book contains numerous coupons for purchasing videos from PrisonPlanet.TV and affiliated web sites.


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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by *Buckaroo* Fri 04 Apr 2008, 14:22

the above links came via email and is very important to understand current world.

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New World Order - Page 11 Empty Re: New World Order

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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